Moira's love of the natural world is continually demonstrated by her photography. From wildlife to flowers, she tries to capture a taste of the essence and magic that she finds everywhere.
If you would like to buy prints of her work they are available on Deviant Art at She also has greeting cards available at Zazzle.
Soon her photography work may become available to see and purchase at A Healing Vibration in Concord, MA.
What makes an artist? A drive, within the spirit of a person, to express the power and beauty that they perceive/feel in the world around them. Be it dance, music, visual arts, writing there is something stirring within the artist trying to escape and affect the world.
Moira comes from a family steeped in the arts. She grew up with music, costumes and dance all around her. It is not surprising that she too would feel the artistic passion to create - to share.
It takes a bit of courage, some vision and trust in the universe to attempt to create a new business. Moira has created several by herself and with others. Some have succeeded fairly well. A few have run their course and ended. But in general all of her projects have been successful in bringing knowledge and opportunity, not just for herself, but also for the other contributors.
Moira's latest business venture is a book cover design business subsidiary of Eagleson Design. Corvid Design creates compelling book covers for powerful stories thereby helping small, independent and self publishers share their art. If you are a writer we have a cover for you, and yes we do judge books by their covers.